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The Kent Companies News

Fuel Your School 2017

What is the Fuel Your School program?

The Fuel Your School program supports education in local public schools by helping to provide funding for eligible classroom projects posted by teachers on


Chevron and Kent Kwik encourage public school teachers in Midland & Ector counties to post classroom projects for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to help prepare students who may be interested in these types of advanced technical jobs. While Chevron encourages STEM-related projects, Fuel Your School funding is available for all eligible classroom projects to help students in general education.

 New in 2017, the Fuel Your School program has expanded to further support teachers and provide the resources students need and want to learn, including:

 ·         Student Life Essentials Projects, such as warm clothing, personal hygiene products and food, with the goal of removing barriers to help students focus and succeed in school; and,

 ·         Student-led Projects, which allow students in middle school and high school to collaborate with teachers and have an active role in developing and submitting classroom project requests.

 How does Fuel Your School work?

During the month of October, when consumers fuel up with 8 or more gallons at a participating Chevron or Texaco Kent Kwik station, $1 will be donated, up to $200,000, to help fund local public school projects posted on in Midland & Ector counties.

 What is is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers post classroom project requests on the website and when a project reaches its funding goal, purchases the materials and ships them to the school. Starting on Sept. 1, 2017, teachers sign up and post their eligible classroom project request at  

 What can consumers do?

To help raise funds to support local public school classrooms, simply fuel up with 8 or more gallons at a participating Chevron or Texaco Kent Kwik station during the program.

 When can consumers fill-up as part of Fuel Your School?

From October 1 through October 31, 2017, or until the maximum donation amount of $200,000 is reached during October in Midland & Ector counties.

 Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family to fuel up in October at Kent Kwik locations in Midland/Odessa and share program updates and happenings.

 Learn more at